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Lớp 9: Unit 5: The media

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. The Internet posted by Jimhello on Tuesday, 10 December 2002, at 9.07 pm.
The Internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life. Do you find the Internet useful? What do you use the Internet for? How much time do you spend surfing the   a day? Please respond to these questions.
Response # 1Re: The Internet
Posted by Sandra Morgan
In my opinion, the Internet is a very fast and   way for me to get information. I can also communicate with my friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting. However, I don′t use the Internet very often because I don′t have much time. For me, the Internet is a wonderful   of modern life. It makes our world a small village.

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