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English 11: Unit 12: The Asian Games

Read the passage and choose the correct answer:

The Asian Games, which take place every four years, are held for the purpose of developing intercultural knowledge and friendship within Asia. In this multi-sport event, young people from all over Asia gather together to compete. It is an occasion when strength and sports skills are tested; friendship and solidarity are built and promoted.
The 14th Asian Games, which were held in Bussan, Korea in 2002 attracted 9,919 participants from 44 countries. The athletes competed in 38 different sports and won 427 gold medals. The Vietnamese participants took part in this event with great enthusiasm. Their efforts were much appreciated when they won 2 gold medals in bodybuilding and billiards, and 2 others in women's karate. It is hoped that in the near future, Vietnam will become a host country and receive more medals in a variety of sports events.

1. How often are the Asian Games held?
A. every five years
B. annually
C. every four years
D. every two years

2. What is the purpose of the Asian Games?
A. To develop intercultural knowledge within Asia.
B. To develop friendship within Asia.
C. To create a playground within Asia.
D. To develop intercultural knowledge within Asia and to develop friendship within Asia.

3. How many participants took part in the 14th Asian Games?
A. 9,919 participants
B. 16,919 participants
C. 19,919 participants
D. 6,919 participants

4. In which sports events did the Vietnamese athletes win gold medals at the Bussan Games?
A. karate and billiards
B. bodybuilding, karate and billiards
C. karate, taekwondo and billiards
D. karate and taekwondo
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