1. Paul: Morning, hi, sorry, so sorry I′m late...
Renata: That′s okay, no problem.
Paul:... Oh and I was late at the airport as well, wasn′t I? You must think I′m absolutely hopeless... I apologise.
Renata: Not to worry, let′s get going, shall we?
Paul: Have you had breakfast?
Renata: Yes, I had breakfast earlier.
Paul: ‘cos I didn′t really have time, I left the really early... and the traffic was... unbelievable, I forgot it was hour, and I was just stuck in this traffic jam thinking ‘Oh no! I′m going to be late′... and suddenly I remembered this short cut, just to the left of the , you know there′s a little side road on the left...
Renata: No, I really don′t know the city at all. Shall we...
Paul: Oh, of course not, silly me... well, anyway, I remembered a short cut, you just take this side road to the left of the Odeon Cinema...
Renata:... and you took that, good... well...
Paul:... but unfortunately the short cut wasn′t exactly as I remembered. And I got a bit ... and well eventually, I ended up going back by the original ...
Renata: Well, never mind, you′re here now. We′d better get started. I have a meeting at...
Paul: Excuse me, I′d take this. Hello, yeah?... Hi... No... Yeah... why?... did she?... gosh... No... Oh well, don′t worry... What?... Yeah, will do... all right then. Okay, bye... bye mum. Sorry about that. Right are we ?
Renata: I′m ready, yes.
Paul: Okay, let′s go... Oh, yes. Sorry. Let me take your bag.