1. Receptionist: Good afternoon. Metroplus Computing. Can I help you?Steve: Oh hello. I′d like to to Alex Howell please.Receptionist: Alex Howell. Okay it′s ringing for you.Pippa: Hello Customer Service, how can I help?Steve: Oh hello, can I speak to Alex Howell, please?Pippa: Who′s ?Steve: It′s Steve Morris.Pippa: One moment. Steve Morris... Hello? I′m afraid Mr Howell′s out of the at the moment. Can I take a ?Steve: Do you know when he′ll be back?Pippa: Er... not until... tomorrow. Shall I ask him to call you back?Steve: Well, he promised to me this morning but I haven′t heard anything.Pippa: Okay. I′ll ask him to call you back as soon as he gets back.Steve: No, I′ll try again morning. What time does he start?Pippa: Tomorrow. Let me see. He won′t be back in the until ten.Steve: Okay, I′ll phone then. Can you tell him I ?Pippa: Certainly, Mr Morris.Steve: Thanks. Goodbye.Pippa: Goodbye.Alex: Thank you, Pippa. Thank you so much.
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