1. Well, I just got a new digital camera, and I love it. It′s really small, so it fits easily into my pocket. And it has a great feature that lets me erase any I don′t like. Also, it lets me take short movies, like five to ten seconds long, and I really like that as well.
I think MP3 players are just fantastic. The idea that you can fit thousands of songs in this small little box that you can around with you all day long. Uh… You can put video on them, files. It′s… They come in color. It′s fantastic. I don′t know what they′ll think of next. I love MP3 players.
Well, I′ve been sort of to be a DJ for a while, and I love turntables. They′re sort of a dying breed, but there are enough folks out there who really love this sort of old piece of technology that… I think it′ll be around for a while. And it′s just a nice way to music… with your hands.
Well, believe it or not, our family just got our first DVD player, which is so much better than our old VCR. Because with our old VHS tapes, we used to have to rewind to get wherever we wanted to be in the movie, but on a DVD you get to pick the scene , so it starts wherever you want it to start. And also on a DVD there are special features, which is really cool. And the DVD player comes with sound, so you can put speakers around the room, so it feels like you′re really going to the movies when you watch a DVD. It′s really cool.
The most important technology gadget that I have, that I need, is my cell phone. My cell phone… I have to have it with me I go because I get, uh… I get my friends… that′s the only way to keep in touch with me nowadays. You can′t, uh… People don′t use phones anymore. And on my cell phone, I check e-mail, I check sports scores. Also you can check the Internet on there. But it′s nice. You can also do text-messaging and keep in touch with your friends, so it′s really your connection to the whole world.