1. My mother is probably cooking in the kitchen, and she is wearing a and black pants.My sisters are both at school right now. They′re younger than me, and they go to school. And they′re probably wearing plaid skirts and white blouses. That′s the that they have to wear.My brother is probably playing video games or he′s watching TV. And he′s probably and a T-shirt.Let′s see… My dad is probably wearing blue jeans and a blue T-shirt. He is probably watching TV.My sister… she′s actually a teacher in an English school in Tokyo. And, I think, teaching English is what she′s doing right now. And I think she′s wearing just jeans and T-shirt … maybe … I′m not sure. But, maybe that′s what she′s wearing right now.My mom… It′s mid-afternoon, so she′s at home, watching TV, wearing a red T-shirt. Red is her .
Triển khai chương trình hoạt động xã hội nhằm tích cực đóng góp cho cộng đồng
"Better English, Better Choice" (tạm dịch: Tiếng Anh tốt hơn, Lựa chọn tốt hơn) là khẩu hiệu của website ôn luyện tiếng Anh trực tuyến http://elearn.edu.vn.