1. Mrs. Smith: Hello.Mrs. Quyen: Sandra, it′s Quyen. I′m calling from Ha Noi.Mrs. Smith: Hello, Quyen. This is a nice !Mrs. Quyen: Thanh and I are coming to San Francisco on Monday.Mrs. Smith: That′s ! Would you like to come and stay with us while you′re in town?Mrs. Quyen: That′s very kind of you, but we′re coming on a tour. Our is included in the ticket price.Mrs. Smith: Then you must come over for dinner one night.Mrs. Quyen: Yes, we′d love to but we′ll only be in town for three nights. We leave on the 28th.Mrs. Smith: Are you free on Tuesday evening?Mrs. Quyen: No, I′m going out that night, but I′m not busy the evening.Mrs. Smith: What about Thanh? Will he come with you?Mrs. Quyen: No. Unfortunately, he has a meeting in the evening.Mrs. Smith: Oh dear. He′s always working. Well, I′ll pick you up at your hotel. Shall we say seven o′clock?Mrs. Quyen: That sounds fine. Thanks, Sandra. See you then.Mrs. Smith: Bye.
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