1. Right now my credit card situation is very good. Back when I was in college I would spend a lot of money my credit card on clothes, dinners out. But in the past year I′ve really become very serious and more careful about credit card , and so now I′m happy to say I don′t have credit card debt. And I hope it stays like that.
Well, I just have one credit card that I tend to use mainly for purchases and other daily purchases like groceries. I use the credit card because I get rewards points. And how that works is that based on the amount of money I spend, I get three back in a rewards account. And so when I get to 50 dollars worth of rewards, I can redeem that for a check. So I just try and use it especially for travel, airplane flights that I book online, I′ll use a credit card. And I make sure to pay off the statement at the end of each month.
Right now I don′t have a credit card. I got myself in with my credit card because I would buy stuff that I could not afford, just, like, I got addicted to e-Bay and I would just buy stupid things, like, especially clothes.
In the past, I have had very bad credit card . I had about 17 credit cards when I was younger, when I was in college, and my spending habits with the credit cards weren′t that great. I had $15,000 in credit card debt. I eventually got rid of it all and learned that for me credit cards don′t work. So I have one just in case, if there is an .
I don′t carry . I only use credit cards. And just – the benefit of using a credit card is I get to see where I spent my money at the end of every month, so…. And I always pay on time. I don′t have debt.