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Lớp 6: Unit 15: Countries

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. I have been to Lima, Peru, which was wonderful because it was winter here but it was summertime there, and the   was very warm and we went to the beach. It was beautiful.
I′ve been to Guanajuato, Mexico. It was very beautiful. It was very historic. The weather was very nice and the people were very nice. I′ve   to Quebec City in Canada. Quebec City was very historic. It was very beautiful and there was a lot of really good food to eat.
I′ve been to Aruba. It′s a very beautiful island. There are a lot of people over there from all over the world – from South America, from Asia, from Europe. They′re all really nice people. They′re really polite. I′ve been to Puerto Rico. It′s also a very nice island. It′s nice to go  there because I get to speak Spanish more than English.
I′ve been to Tokyo, Japan. Tokyo is very clean. The people are   nice, and the weather was rainy most of the time. I′ve also been to Seoul, Korea. Seoul is   of technology. The food is wonderful and the public transportation is very efficient.

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