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Lớp 12: Unit 11: Books

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. I would take my family, my sister, my mother, my father, and our family dog definitely. I would also take my yoga mat, my yoga blocks, and a lot of books because I know there would be a lot of   in the water, but I would love to have some books to have on the side. I would also take pictures. I would take pictures of friends and good times that I′ve   pictures of in the past. But as long as my family′s there and my dog and my yoga mat, I think I would be set.
If I was to go live on a desert island I would probably want to bring with me a  . I′m very big on keeping my teeth clean. Even though there wouldn′t be anyone there to offend with morning breath or anything like that, I′d probably bring a toothbrush and some toothpaste and I′d just wing it from there on, you know. Sand and water, I can probably make the best of it.
I think I would like to take my brother with me. He′s an avid   and someone who′s had a lot of experience camping, so he′s very comfortable with survival and living in the wild and, you know, not bringing his own food.
If I was going to go live on a desert island I would bring my   with me. I know it would probably die after a day or two but I would try bringing it anyway to see if I could call for help. If that didn′t work, I would bring a beach towel and a beach ball, maybe some other toys to try to make the best out of it. I would also probably bring something that would remind me of home, like a chocolate bar or some of my favorite food because I know I wouldn′t be able to find it on the island, just so I could nibble on the chocolate bar every once in a while and remind myself of home. But I would try and make the best of it and enjoy my time on the island with my   toys.
Well, I would bring a lot of my friends so we could, you know, have a lot of   every night. And the parties would include me playing my guitar and all of us singing together – different songs and, you know, just doing a lot of different activities.
If I was stranded on a desert island, I would most definitely bring water, and another thing I would bring with me is a camera because I really like  . And I would bring a camera just because I′ve never been to a desert island and never seen the nature there, the animals there, a sunset – those are usually really beautiful, from what I hear.

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