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Lớp 12: Unit 11: Books

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. Do you think that smoking should be banned in all public places?
To be honest, I think that smoking should be banned in all public places, and I′m a smoker. But, in my opinion, I don′t think it′s really fair to   that on other people and to be honest, it′s very easy to leave a restaurant and go outside to a parking lot and have a cigarette. It would also   me to smoke less. But I think it′s fair. It′s fairer on the non-smokers to ban smoking in public places.
No, I don′t think that smoking should be banned in all public places. I think that smoking should be banned in many public places but it, there should   be places where people can get together and smoke if that′s what they choose to do. I don′t smoke and I don′t like smoking but I don′t think that those people should only be able to do it in their own homes.
Should seatbelts be compulsory?
I do believe that seatbelts should be compulsory. The reason we have it is to save lives and hundreds, if not thousands of people must have been saved from   because they had their seatbelt on. I would   wear mine and encourage other people to do the same.
I don′t think seatbelts should be made compulsory. I think if people want to be stupid they should be allowed to be.

Do you think that shops should be allowed to open 24 hours, 7 days a week?
As far as I′m concerned, shops can open 24 hours if they want to. Maybe it is convenient for some people, but personally, I can′t see myself   to go to a greengrocer′s at 3 o′clock in the morning.
I think that shops should be allowed to be open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I think that a lot of people work different   and so they will have the opportunity to go to shops when they can and I think if the shop can still make money and be open all those hours then that′s fine.
Should mobile phones be banned from public places?
I don′t think overall that mobile phones should be banned from public places but sometimes when I′m at a restaurant and someone′s on their mobile phone, it′s annoying and I don′t like it. But then, on the other side, sometimes I′m at a restaurant and my mobile phone calls and I need to take the call, so then I guess that′s annoying for other people. But I don′t think it′s a huge   so I don′t think they should be banned.
To be honest, I think you would find it really difficult to   mobile phones in public places. Twenty years ago we didn′t see mobile phones anywhere. Doctors had them, surgeons had them. Now everybody′s got them. If you want my opinion, it would be impossible to ban them from public places because they′re such a big   of people′s lives. On the other hand, it would be nice if you could sit on a bus and not listen to somebody′s conversation about what they did last night and what their best friend thinks of that.

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