1. My friends Park and Katie are a great couple . They′re both really wonderful people, very nice, very talented, very kind. They′ve known each other for more than ten years. They met in high school. They were high school , then they were apart for a little while, but then they came back together. I′ve known Park since college and I′ve known Katie for a few years less, but they′re just both wonderful people and they′re great together.
A couple that I know that is well suited for each other are my parents. They met when they were very young and they′ve been together ever since, and they′re sort of but they complement each other very well. My mother is very rational and my father is sort of a dreamer, but they each other.
I have two friends who are now married. They′re perfect for each other because one teaches engineering to junior high students and the other is an himself.
My friends Monica and Andrew found each other freshman year of college, and although they were both raised in two different with very different morals and values, they really balance each other out very well. And they compromise together, and they discover new things together, and talk about their future a lot – and sort of have to pick one way or the other for how to raise their own kids or how to start their future. But they definitely do it well.
My grandparents are very well suited to each other because they talk about anything and they talk about everything. And it gives us good values, I think. They′ve been 55 years. And if you can be married for 55 years, then you′re doing something right.