1. It was the first day of school, and I was trying to make a really good first on my classmates and my school. And I was heading out of class, trying to make it to my next class early, when I was running down the stairs and I slipped on a piece of paper. I tumbled down in front of about five students, and they were all at me. And this was my first impression.
My most embarrassing moment definitely was when I was working at a very fancy department store. I was working in men′s fragrance, and we had to dress up all in black and look very nice to go to work. Uh… And I guess I hadn′t eaten that day or something, but I was a candy bar on the way while I was driving to work, and I had dropped a piece on my seat and was sitting on it. So I walked into the store, and I was thinking that I just looked fantastic. And my looked at me and she goes, "David, did you sit on a candy bar or something?" And I didn′t know what she was talking about, and I went into the , and I looked, and I realized… I didn′t look so great after all. So that was definitely my most embarrassing moment.
My most embarrassing moment was when I was on a few years ago. My wife and I rented a car, and we were out sightseeing when all of a sudden, the horn on the car got stuck and it just started going off. (Makes horn noise.) It just wouldn′t stop. And we′re driving down the , and people were staring at us and, like, glaring at us, and there was nothing I could do. I kept pushing on the horn, but nothing would change. It just kept honking. Eventually, I think we pulled off and got a mechanic to fix it, but it was excruciating. It went on for hours and hours and… I was so , but there was really nothing I could do.