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Lớp 11: Unit 8: Celebrations

Listen to the video and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. I′m 33 years old, but I′m still afraid of the dark. I think it started when I was a little boy because we used to have lots of  , and there were never any lights on in the house. And so I would wake up because of the thunder and I cry out for my parents. And I stayed afraid in junior high school and high school and college. In college, I made my roommate leave the light on even though that was pretty silly, and I just   got over it.
I have a phobia about birds on the street. They look very gross. So every time I see them on the street I make a big   around. And my friends make fun of me all the time, but I can′t help it – they look really scary.
I do have one phobia. It is claustrophobia. It′s the fear of being closed up in a very small space. I tend to avoid elevators, even in very, very tall  . One time I was late for a meeting, and even though I was late for this meeting, I still walked up 27 flights of stairs because it happened to be that time of day when the elevators were filled with people, and I really can′t do   spaces.
I would say I have a mild fear of heights. I always lose my   on a roller coaster, and – although I don′t let it stop me. I still ride roller coasters and have no trouble flying on airplanes.
I am afraid of  . I never liked thunderstorms when I was little because I hate loud noises, but when I was 12 I was standing very close to a tree that was struck by lightning. And I have never liked thunderstorms   then. I get very tense and very scared when I hear thunder and when I see lightning.

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