1. This weekend, I′m my apartment and I′m making a big dinner for my friends. I′m going to make pasta.
This weekend, I′m going to a wedding. A friend of mine from college is getting this weekend. I′m going to eat, dance, sing, and spend time with friends.
This weekend, I′m going to the beach with friends and we′re going to have a cookout. We′re going to cook chicken and steak and beef and hamburgers and all of good food, and we′re going to eat them at the beach.
This weekend my grandmother is going to me. We are going to sit and talk because she can′t walk very much. We are going to eat at a fancy restaurant.
This weekend my husband and I are going to spend a alone without the children, no telephones, no TV. We′re going to the beach, we′re going biking, we′re going hiking, we′re going swimming, we′re going to try new restaurants. We′re going to have lots of fun.