1. Jane: Well, we′d better get , hadn′t we?
Lisa: Already?
Rob: Yeah, unfortunately. We′d better the traffic... it can really be bad at this time... It′s been lovely, hasn′t it?
Jane: Absolutely great, yes. Thanks.
Nick: It′s a pity you′ve got to go...
Jane: Well, it′s quite a long , so...
Lisa: Okay. Thanks for coming, it′s been great to see you again...
Jane: Oh, it′s been great seeing you again, too... and thanks to the cook, as well, thanks Nick.
Nick: My pleasure. Any time.
Jane: It was absolutely ... wasn′t it?
Rob: Absolutely... and next time, it′ll be our turn to cook, won′t it?
Jane: Your turn.
Nick: Well, I look forward to that.
Jane: Sure.
Rob: Come on then, let′s get moving... oh Nick, that was a great sauce...
Renata: I think that′s everything, isn′t it?
Paul: Yeah, that′s all.
Renata: Good. Thank you. And thanks for bringing me to the airport.
Paul: Oh, that′s all right. My pleasure. And I got you here on time, as well.
Renata: Thank you, I that. Now where do I go from here?
Paul: Er... I think the check-in′s just through there... do you want me to come with you?
Renata: No, I′ll be fine, thank you. You′ve been a real help, thank you. It was nice meeting you, Paul.
Paul: It was nice meeting you, too, Professor Zeller. I really enjoyed your .
Renata: Thank you, Paul. Thanks for everything. See you again sometime.
Paul: I hope so. Safe !
Renata: Thank you.