1. I get most of my news from the . I drive a lot during the day, and so I listen to a news station so I get the news as it continues throughout the day. But I also love to read the newspaper in the morning with a cup of coffee and my breakfast. And to read about the news but also hear about events and activities that are going on near my house. So I use mostly the and also the radio.
I get my news from the TV mostly, but more and more I′ve been getting my news off of the internet because I′m in front of the computer all day long, and when I need a I just switch over to a news Internet site and browse.
Well, I get my news from either the radio or the Internet sites. I find the Internet sites – I go to BBC World – tend to be very complete. And if I′m looking for in-depth information on a specific subject, I will go on the Internet. If I′m looking just to gather a broad view of what′s going on in my world, I′d go to the radio.
I tend to go to get my news. I′m on the computer a lot, so it′s just convenient to go on the Internet and check the major newspapers′ websites because they really have a lot of that you can skim through. So that way I can quickly choose which articles I want to read and which articles I don′t really want to glance at. And so it′s a nice way to also read some articles. I go on other sites, too, where they have videos – so watch a few quick of the news that way. So online, would be the main way I get my news these days.
I still read the news, and I like to check it on the Web as well, and I like to watch TV at night too because it shows all the current events that have happened throughout the day.