1. Ross: It′s a , isn′t it?Pippa: Yeah, it′s fantastic. Hi, I′m Pippa, Pippa Cross.Ross: Nice to meet you, Pippa. I′m Ross Murray.Pippa: Hi Ross. You′re not ?Ross: No...Pippa: Where are you from?Ross: I′m Australian.Pippa: Ah I see! What part of Australia are you from?Ross: I′m from Perth.Pippa: Perth? Where′s that?Ross: It′s on the .Pippa: Right. So what are you doing here in the UK?Ross: I work here.Pippa: Oh, I see. How long are you going to stay here?Ross: Just six months but I′d like to . What about you? Do you live in London?Pippa: Yeah, not far from here.Ross: So are you enjoying the ?Pippa: I thought that last speaker was good but...
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