1. Alex: Yeah, oh... that reminds me... it′s Pete′s next month, and I was thinking... maybe we could have a surprise party.Pippa: Do you think he′d like that?Alex: Yeah. I know he′s not doing anything special himself. I think he′d really enjoy it.Dave: That′s a good idea. What of party do you think he′d like?Alex: Well... he likes 80s′ music, doesn′t he? We could have an 80s′ ?Dave: Hey, a friend of mine plays in a band. Why don′t I phone him and ask him to play?Alex: No need...I′ve got loads of 80s′ music at home...we′ll use that …Dave: Okay...and what about ?Pippa: Let′s have pasta, a big pasta dish and we can ask people to food. That′s easy.Dave: Good idea. But we′ve forgotten one .Pippa: What′s that?Dave: Where′s it going to be?Alex: Shall we have it my place?Dave: Great, if that′s okay with you.Alex: Yeah that′s fine...
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