Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 7: Reading Comprehension 2

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Read the passages and choose the correct answer:

Questions below are based on the following business form and memo.


 International Brands, Inc

Leave Request /Absence Report Form


Name:     Ms. S.H Pham                        Date:    4 Dec, 2011


Dept.    Production

This form is to be submitted in advance by any employee who wishes to take leave or who will be away for any other reason.

Period requested: Jan. 7, 2011 to Jan. 12, 2011

Leave to be recorded as:


30 hours

Medical leave*


Maternity/paternity leave


Compensatory time off

10 hours

Assignment away from office


Leave of absence without pay  

(special cases only)



40 hours

* This form is not to be used to record sick leave if it involves fewer than three consecutive days.

Comments: Brief description of how assignments are to be covered during employee's absence.





Approval for administrative staff (appropriate department head/vice-president)

Jason Dunn: Supervisor, Production team C

Approval for executive personnel (department heads/vice-presidents)




Circulate approved copies to appropriate departments and return to the Human Resources Office, Room 1190.


Interoffice Memo


From the desk of Sarah Ingram

Human Resources Officer      Room 1190

International Brands, Inc.


TO: Jason Dun    DATE: 6 Dec. 2011


Hi Jason,

I'm returning Ms. Pham's request for time off.

Please fill in the “comments” section. Also, could you sign her form on the proper line? Please return to me afterwards.


Sarah Ingram

1. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the phrase "three consecutive days" in the form?
A. Three days in a row
B. Three full days
C. Three work days
D. Three weekdays

2. Which of the following is Mr. Dunn most likely to write in the "Comments" section of the form?
A. "Ms. Pham will be in the hospital for minor surgery for several days."
B. "MS. Pham has been doing a great job and deserves a promotion."
C. "Ms. Pham's co-workers can cover for her because this is a slow time of year."
D. "Ms. Pham will be attending a wedding in Vietnam during her vacation."

3. What mistake did Mr. Dunn make when filling out this form?
A. He didn't add up the number of hours correctly.
B. He didn't send this form to the appropriate department.
C. He spelled the employee's name incorrectly.
D. He signed his name on the wrong line.

4. Why did the president of International Brands not sign this form?
A. Because he is on vacation
B. Because Ms. Pham is not an executive
C. Because a vice-president has already signed it
D. Because Ms. Pham is only asking for five days off

5. Where will this form eventually be filed?
A. In Mr. Clark's office
B. In Ms. Ingram's office
C. In the president's office
D. In Ms. Pham's office
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