Questions below
refer to the following job advertisement.
PR Trainer opportunity!
Association of Public Relations
Consultants is looking for an experienced individual to organize and give
seminars aiming to prepare new PR association members.
this is not a full-time position, PR trainers will receive the same kind of
privileges with all full-time employees. The position has also a lot of
potential for future collaboration with company members of our association.
should be holders of a master's degree and have at least 5 years of
experience in the Public Relations field. This position involves attending
international conferences, organizing or somehow participating in seminars
organization committees, and publishing work in field-related journals.
Applications of candidates who have ever worked on those kinds of tasks will
be given priority. Applicants can submit their resume and two letters of
reference by mail at the following address;
The Association of Public Relations Consultants
Attn: Human Resources
Bridgeway St., Tower A