Study the following
definitions and examples.
1. brand n., an identifying mark
or label; a trademark
Consumers often buy highly
advertised brands of athletic shoes.
b. All brands of aspirin are
the same.
2. conform v., to match specifications or qualities
The quality control
manager insisted that every product that left the plant conform to the
company's rigorous standards.
Our safety standards
conform to those established by the government.
3. defect n., an imperfection or flaw
Because of a defect in
stitching, the entire suit was thrown out.
One way to sell a product
with a defect is by labeling it as such and reducing the price.
4. enhance v., to make more attractive or valuable
The reason behind quality
control is to enhance the company's reputation for superior products.
A stylish color enhances
the appeal of a car.
5. garment n., an article of clothing
Every garment must be
carefully inspected for defects before it is shipped.
The garment workers are
accountable for production mistakes.
6. inspect v., to look at closely; to examine carefully
or officially
A quality control agent
who does not inspect every product carefully can ruin his company's reputation.
Children's car seats are
thoroughly inspected and tested for safety before being put on the market.
7. perceptive adj., able to see or understand
Dora always hires good
workers because she is very perceptive about people's abilities.
It takes a perceptive
person to be a good manager.
8. repel v., to keep away; to
fight against
a. Umbrellas that do not repel water should never be passed through
quality control.
b. Faulty products repel repeat customers.
9. take back v., to return
something; to withdraw or retract
a. Good quality control significantly limits the number of products
taken back for a refund.
b. The quality inspector took the shoddy work back to the assembly
line to confront the workers.
10. throw out v., to dispose of
It is cheaper to throw out
shoddy products than to lose customers.
The factory decided to
throw out hundreds of lightbulbs that might have been damaged, rather than lose
11 uniformly adv., in the same
way; consistently
The products are checked
to make sure they are uniformly packaged before they leave the factory.
The food at chain
restaurants is uniformly prepared so that customers will always find the same
quality at each restaurant.
12. wrinkle n., a crease, ridge,
or furrow, especially in skin or fabric
a. A wrinkle that is ironed into a permanent-press product will annoy
the consumer each time the garment is worn.
b. A wrinkle in the finish can be repaired more economically before a
sale than after.