Vocabulary --> Entertainment --> Museums --> Word to learn

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

fashion criticism leisure spectrum responded specialize significant admire schedule collected acquire expressing


1. Museums are places to view and   the great works of art. All large cities, and even many small cities, have good art museums in which you will find a wide   of paintings, sculptures, drawings, and prints.
Museums attempt to collect and display a broad range of examples of how, throughout time, men and women have   to what they have seen, thought, and felt by   themselves through materials like stone, clay, and paint, or ink and paper. The artist imposes an order on these materials that is  . Some styles of art or particular objects are in   for only a while, and others earn positive   over time and are seen as enduring classics. Museums collect the best of these works for the public to see.
When you go to a museum, be sure to   plenty of time to see the art without feeling rushed. If you are lucky enough to live near a museum, you can come back again at your  . Some museums show a broad collection of art from different times and cultures, often   and donated by their generous patrons. Other museums   in displaying art from a certain period, say from the ancient world, or by a certain group or nationality of people, like by Native Americans.
The operations of many museums are paid for by the government and these museums are often free to the public; other museums must charge each person upon entry. These fees help the museum operate and   more works.

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