Vocabulary --> Health --> Doctor's Office --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used.


[M]  I’m glad to see that you remembered to schedule your annual physical.

[W] I was surprised that it took so long to get an appointment.

[M]  Sometimes I can manage to see patients sooner if they really need to be seen.


[M]    I'm recommending that you see a specialist at the university hospital for another test.

[W]   Heavens, that sounds serious. Am I okay?

[M]    I often refer patients with your condition to specialists who have more experience than I do in the latest treatment options.


[M]    That instrument you just put in my ear is cold.

[W]   Sorry, but it's the best way to diagnose why you have ringing in your ears.

[M]    As big as it is, I would hope it is effective.


[M]  Why do you take such detailed records of your patients' histories?

[W] By looking very carefully at their lifetime of health problems, we can better assess what is going wrong with them.

[M]  I hope that means we can prevent some diseases by knowing who gets them.

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