ENGLISH 8: Unit 12: A vacation abroad

Grammar point:

Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. While Aeron ............... in his room, his friends ............... in the pool.
A. worked~swum
B. worked~swim
C. was working~were swimming
D. was working~swam

2. When Mike and Jane ............... the walls, their dog ............... over the paint pot.
A. were painting~knocking
B. painted~knocked
C. paint~knocks
D. were painting~knocked

3. While Helen ............... dinner, Jack ............... his homework.
A. eat~was doing
B. were eating~were doing
C. was eating~was doing
D. ate~doing

4. He ............... me when I ............... work
A. bothered~stopped
B. was bothering~stopped
C. bothering~stopped
D. was bothering~was stopping

5. At 6 o′clock last night, my sister ............... homework.
A. was doing
B. do
C. did
D. were doing
Score: 0/10
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