English 12: Unit 4: School education system

Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. Where the Olympic Games will ............... is determined long in advance.
A. be holding
B. hold
C. be held
D. have been held

2. Applicant can take the National Entrance Examinations ............... their application forms are submitted.
A. wherever
B. everywhere
C. where
D. anywhere

3. The floor ............... yet.
A. wasn’t cleaned
B. has being cleaned
C. hasn’t been cleaned
D. isn’t being cleaned

4. A high proportion of candidates get low or ............... grades in History.
A. unclassified
B. unavailable
C. unlikely
D. unmarked

5. You will see this product advertised ............... .
A. where the road branches
B. everywhere you go
C. where you have taken it
D. anywhere she goes
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