Lớp 11: Unit 7: World population

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. I′m very passionate about  . That is how I met my husband. And both my children like to sing, but my daughter is very much a singer. Music and song, to me, is something that just speaks to people no matter what your culture, no matter what your language. And it′s just something that can bring joy. It can make you think, it can make you happy, it can make you sad. I think that   and song is a powerful thing.
I′m definitely passionate about my friends. The friends I have have been – have helped me   the years. They′ve made me laugh when I′ve felt sad. They′ve listened to me when I′ve had troubles. They′ve also been there just for the good times, whether we go out to an amusement park or to a new restaurant.  , my friends are the thing I′m most passionate about.
I′m passionate about American football. My   team is the San Francisco 49ers. They have not been good for the past seven seasons, but I think that they′re going to get better.
I′m very passionate about writing. And my passion for writing also   into my passion for reading, and the two of them go hand in hand. I find the more I write, the more I want to read. And the more I read, the more I want to write. I do try to write every day, even if it′s just some random thoughts for the day.
I feel passionate about chocolate. I have to eat chocolate every day. And I like   chocolate with no nuts, because I′m allergic to nuts. So just plain dark chocolate – every day.

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