Lớp 8: Unit 10: Recycling

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:


Car tires
In the USA, millions of old car tires are thrown away every year. But tires can be recycled to make pipes and floor coverings. Nowadays, many people wear shoes and   made from old car tires.
In Britain, the milkman bring s bottles of milk to houses an d collects the   ones. The empty bottles are then cleaned and refilled. Every milk bottle can be reused thirty times.
In industry, most glass is recycled. The glass is collected and sent to the factories. There it is broken up, melted and made into new glassware.
Drink cans
People throw away billions of cans every year all over the world. In Oregon, the government made a new   several years ago. They said that there must be a deposit on all drink cans. The deposit is returned when people bring the cans back for recycling.
Farmers have recycled their waste for thousands of years. They grow food for their animals and use the dung f or fertilizing their  . The y also collect household and garden waste to make com post. Compost is a wonderful natural fertilizer. It helps plants grow.
Let us know
We are delighted that you are interested in protecting the  . Share your recycling story with our readers! Call or fax us at 5 265 456.

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