Lớp 11: Unit 2: Personal experiences

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. After a while, I turned   and noticed that the boy′s schoolbag was open. Inside it, I saw a wad of dollar notes   like the ones my father had given me. I quickly looked into my own bag – the   had gone! I was sure that the boy was a thief. He had stolen my money. I didn′t want to make a fuss, so I   just to take my money back from the schoolboy′s bag, without saying a word about it. So I   put my hand into the boy′s bag, took the notes and put them in my own bag.
With the money I bought the pretty hat of my dreams. When I got home, I   it to my father.
“How did you pay for it?” he asked.
“With the money you gave me for my birthday, of  , Dad,” I replied.
“Oh? What′s that then?” he asked, as he pointed to a wad of dollar notes on the table.
Can you imagine how I   then?

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