Lớp 12: Unit 1: Home life

Listen to the audio and write the missing words in the blanks:

1. I feel   to my sister, because she is a fashion designer and she also works for herself, and both of us tend to be very involved in the arts so we understand living in a very creative lifestyle. And we like the same things. And we′ve   traveled together to the Czech Republic and had a lot of fun, actually – and I tend not to travel really well with other people.
The person I′m closest to in my family, I would have to say, is my grandfather. I′m actually named after my grandfather, so we have this   bond where he′ll actually take me out and we′ll do things – we′ll go fishing, he′ll take me out and we′ll go on road trips. It′s really cool because it′s – he′s just that one generation away, but he was a rice  , and I get to have that perspective from him and hear his wonderful story about how he came to the United States. So it′s – he′s my favorite family member.
That would be my mother because my father is way too busy  , my brother is too busy with his own life. My mother is the only one who cares to talk to me. And she′s very open-minded. I can talk to her about anything. For example, my boy issues, my career issues, and my friendship issues. She just listens very carefully and she gives very   advise.
I definitely feel closest to my   brother. We get along really well and we′re very close in age. We shared a room growing up and we′ve always been able to stay close and talk to each other. And he′s the person I go to when we have problems in the family and when I′m upset and when things aren′t always going well. And he′s always there to keep me   and cheer me up, and we′re just really close.

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