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TOEFL VOCABULARY --> Money --> Wealth and Social Class

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

luxury working class nobility affluence prestige

1. Complete each sentence by filling in the blank with the best word or phrase from the list. Use each word only once.

1. The   in the hotel was obvious from such features as solid gold faucets and stairs made of Italian marble.
2. In a show of his extreme  , Jim Lavich flew 1,500 people
to the Bahamas for his wife′s birthday party and ordered 300 casks of wine for them to drink.
3. The oldest and most respected furniture maker in western Michigan, VanEden Inc., earned its   by using good materials and listening to its customers.
4. France′s   was dismantled after the royal family was killed
and lesser aristocrats were jailed during the revolution.
5. In the United States, many   families do not have health insurance because their employers don′t offer it.

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