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(Time: 60 minutes)
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Passage 1

Dear Friend,
Please join us for our annual Walk for Charity. Starting in Weldown, you and your friends can choose a delightful 10, 20 or 30 kilometre route.        
The money raised will provide support to help people all over the world. Start collecting your sponsors now and then simply come along on the day. Please read the instructions below carefully, especially if you require transport to and from Weldown.
See you on Sunday 14 May.
V Jessop
Walk Co-ordinator
P.S. Well done to last year’s walkers for helping to raise a grand total of £21,000. The money has already been used to build a children's playground.
30 km: 8-10 am
20 km: 8 - 10.30 am
10 km: 8-11.30 am
The organisers reserve the right to refuse late-comers.
CLOTHING should be suitable for the weather. If rain is forecast, bring some protection and be prepared for all eventualities. It is better to wear shoes that have been worn in, rather than ones that are new.
ROUTE MAPS will be available from the registration point. The route will be sign-posted and marshalled. Where the route runs along the road, walkers should keep to one side in single file, facing oncoming traffic at all times. If you need help along the route, please inform one of the marshals.
Free car parking available in car parks and on streets in Weldown.
For the 10 and 20 km routes, a bus will be waiting at Fenton to take walkers back to Weldown. The bus will leave every half-hour starting at midday. The service is free and there is no need to book.

Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

new shoes every half hour marshals/ the marshals 10 kilometre / 10 kilometre walk/ 10 kilometer/ 10 kilometer walk 10.30/ 10.30 am Fenton Weldown

What is the starting point for the 30 km walk?  

What is the latest start time for the 20 km walk?  

Regarding footwear, what are you warned against wearing?  

What are the officials who help participants on the route called?  

Where does the 20 km walk finish?  

What is the frequency of the Fenton to Weldown bus?  

Which walk does not pass through Lower Brene?  


(A) Wild Rose
(Tuesday 19.00)
This TV drama is about a young private detective employed by a team of New York businessmen who send her to Brazil to look into a series of hotel robberies. When she gets there, she discovers that the hotels, which are owned by the businessmen, have been empty for the last two years and the local authorities have no record of any robberies.
(B) Animal Planet
(Wednesday 23.00)
This is a classic black-and-white film from the forties in which astronaut Charlie Huston crash- lands on a planet ruled entirely by animals. It is a first-class suspense adventure which also looks at the human condition, although this is not always a successful part of the film.
(C) Strange Encounter
(Saturday 21.00)
Suspense is skilfully built up in this clever, small- scale supernatural story. A young couple view a deserted old house that they are interested in buying. They meet a strange old lady who tells them of the mystical powers of the house and how previous owners have been able to travel back through the centuries to meet their ancestors.
(D) The Longest Walk
(Tuesday 21.30)
Flyona Campbell is nearly there. All she has to do now is walk the length of France and Britain
and she has succeeded in walking around the world. Tonight she drinks coffee in a tent and tells her story to Janet Street-Porter before she sets off for the Pyrenees mountains.
(E) Rubicon 5
(Thursday 20.30)
This is a TV film being used to launch a new science fiction series. It has impressive special effects and a strong, believable cast of characters who travel to the twenty-third century. The action takes place in underground cities where the environment is controlled by computers.
(F) New Science
(Friday 19.30)
This popular half-hour science magazine continues into its twenty-ninth year, proving itself to be a hardy survivor in the television world. Tonight it is presented by Carol Vorderman who introduces five reports, which include computer-driven cars and in-flight ten-pin bowling.
(G) There and Back Again
(Sunday 22.00)
Paul Theroux's account of his recent journey from London to Japan and back makes ideal material for this evening's travel slot. Based on his own novel, the progress of his journey on the railways of Europe and Asia (Victoria station, Paris, Istanbul...) acts as a fascinating travelogue as the inhabitants gradually shift from the West to the East.

For which programme are the following statements true? 

1. This programme is in the form of a personal interview.
A. Programme F
B. Programme E
C. Programme G
D. Programme A
E. Programme D
F. Programme C
G. Programme B

2. This programme is a documentary about technological developments.
A. Programme C
B. Programme E
C. Programme G
D. Programme A
E. Programme F
F. Programme B
G. Programme D

3. This programme is taken from a book.
A. Programme C
B. Programme F
C. Programme A
D. Programme D
E. Programme B
F. Programme E
G. Programme G

4. This film is the introduction to a set of programmes.
A. Programme G
B. Programme C
C. Programme A
D. Programme F
E. Programme E
F. Programme D
G. Programme B

5. This programme is about investigating a possible crime.
A. Programme A
B. Programme F
C. Programme B
D. Programme C
E. Programme G
F. Programme D
G. Programme E

6. These TWO programmes are about time travel.
A. Programme A
B. Programme E
C. Programme F
D. Programme D
E. Programme C
F. Programme B
G. Programme G

7. These TWO programmes are about present-day travellers.
A. Programme F
B. Programme D
C. Programme G
D. Programme B
E. Programme A
F. Programme E
G. Programme C
Passage 2



It is in everyone’s interest to maintain a high level of security in the workplace. You should immediately challenge any person who appears to be on the premises without proper authorisation, or inform a senior member of staff about any odd or unusual activity.
Company Property
You are advised that it is within the company’s legal rights to detain any person on the grounds that they may be involved in the unauthorised removal of company property. The company reserves the right to search staff members leaving or entering the premises and to inspect any article or motor vehicle on company property. It is a condition of employment that you submit to such action if requested.
It is in your own interest to ensure that you have proper authority before removing any item of company property from a company building. Any member found removing company property from the building without proper authority will be subject to disciplinary action.
Identity Badges
You will be issued with an identity badge, which should be worn at all times when you are on company premises. The purpose of these badges is to safeguard our security. Badges are issued by Human Resources, and contractors and people visiting the company on a one-off basis are also obliged to wear them.
Confidential Matters
In the course of your work you may have access to information relating to the company’s business, or that of a supplier or customer. Such material, even where it appears comparatively trivial, can have a serious effect on the company, supplier or customer if it falls into the wrong hands. It is, therefore, essential that you should at all times be aware of the serious view the company would take of disclosure of such material to outsiders.
You must treat as confidential all information, data, specifications, drawings and all documents relating to the company’s business and/or its trading activities, and not divulge, use, or employ them except in the company’s service. Before you leave the company, you must hand over to your manager all private notes relevant to the company’s business, activities, prices, accounts, costs etc. Legal proceedings may be initiated for any misuse or unauthorised disclosure of such confidential information, whether during employment or afterwards.

Complete the sentences below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the text for each answer.

contractors outsiders senior search/ to search notes/ private notes disciplinary action

If you see anything suspicious, you should report it to a   employee.

If the company wants to stop you and   you, you have to agree to it.

If you take things belonging to the company without permission, you will face  .

Staff,   and visitors must all wear a badge on company premises.

You must not pass on confidential information to  .

If you leave the company, you have to hand in any   you have made on matters concerning the company.



The Working Time Regulations (WTRs) introduced a new right to paid holidays for most workers. However, some workers were not covered when the WTRs came into force in October 1998. Since the regulations were amended, with effect from 1 August 2003, the majority of these workers have been entitled to paid holidays, and since 1 August 2004 the regulations have also applied to junior doctors.
Workers who qualify are entitled to no fewer than four weeks of paid holiday a year, and public holidays (normally eight days in England and Wales) count towards this. However, workers and employers can agree longer holidays.
For the first year of work, special accrual rules apply. For each month of employment, workers are entitled to one twelfth of the annual holiday. After the first year of employment, you can take your holiday entitlement at any time, with your employer's approval.
Before taking holidays, you must give your employer notice of at least twice the length of the holiday you want to take: for instance, to take a five-day holiday, you must give at least ten days' notice. If your employer does not want you to take that holiday, they can give you counter-notice equal to the holiday - for example, five days' notice not to take a five-day holiday.
If the employer wants you to take holiday at a given time, e.g. when there is a shutdown at the same time every year, they must give you notice of at least twice the length of the holiday. There is no right for the worker to take that holiday at a different time.
Holiday cannot be carried over to the next year, unless your contract of employment allows this to happen. Nor can you be paid in lieu of your holiday. However, when you leave the job, you are entitled to receive payment for any outstanding holiday, provided your contract specifically allows for this.
It may be that your contract gives you better rights, or your holiday rights might be specified in a collective agreement. Your union representative can advise you on this. 

Answer the questions below. Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the text for each answer.

collective agreement/ a collective agreement one twelfth /one twelfth of annual holidays/ one twelfth of annual holiday 2003/ in 2003 payment/ a holiday payment/ a payment/ holiday payment/ outstanding holiday payment 4 weeks/ 4 weeks a year shutdown/ a shutdown/ the shutdown/ annual shutdown/ the annual shutdown counter-notice/ equal counter-notice

In what year were the regulations extended to cover most of the workers who were originally excluded?  

What is the minimum annual paid holiday which workers are entitled to?  

During a worker′s first year of employment, what proportion of their annual holiday does a month′s work give?  

What can an employer give a worker to stop them taking holiday that they have requested?  

What is given as a possible reason for an employee having to take a holiday at a certain time?  

When an employee leaves their job, what should be given in place of any holiday they have not taken?  

Apart from a contract, what type of document may set out an employee′s holiday rights?  

Passage 3
 Green Energy


As energy prices rise and the effects of greenhouse gas emissions become more widespread, people everywhere are becoming increasingly concerned about using fossil fuels. More and more people are turning to so-called “green technologies” as a way to reduce dependence on non renewable fossil fuels. The ideal alternative energy source would be sustainable (the supply will not be exhausted), clean (no emissions), and reliable. The three most popular alternative energy sourcesare geothermal power, solar power, and wind power.
Since geothermal energy taps heat from the earth, its resources range from water found just below the surface of the earth, to hot water and hot rock found a fewmiles below the surface, to even deeper rock of extremely high temperatures. In aprocess similar to drilling for oil, wells as deep as a mile or more can be drilled into underground reservoirs to tap steam and hot water that are used to run turbines andcreate energy. Power companies can then transmit this energy over power lines.
Geothermal power on a smaller scale can be used for heating and coolinghouses or commercial buildings. Geothermal heat pumps, also known asground-source heat pumps, rely on the fact that the earth beneath the surfaceremains at a relatively constant temperature throughout the year. Like a cave, theground is warmer than the air above it during the winter and cooler in the summer.
The geothermal heat pump transfers the heat stored in the earth into the building during the winter, and transfers it out of the building and into the ground during the summer. The ground, in other words, acts as a heat source in winter and a heat sink in summer. While geothermal heat pumps are an emissions-free and reliable source of energy, the biggest disadvantage is that such systems are expensive to install.
Solar energy has come a long way from the clunky boxes of the 1970s. Today, solar energy is commonly collected by sleek and efficient photovoltaic (PV)panels. The photovoltaic cells convert sunlight directly into electricity and are made of semiconductors such as crystalline silicon or other thin-film materials. The benefitsof solar power vary according to how much exposure a given building has to thesun. However, one does not need to live in the desert to take advantage of solar power. Cloudy Germany is the worldwide leader in the use of solar power.
Solar power is not as pricey as geothermal power, but having a panel professionally installed can still be costly. Some enterprising home-owners reduce the initial costs by purchasing inexpensive kits and setting up the system on their own. The biggest disadvantage of a solar power system is its dependence on the amount of sunlight collected, but some cutting-edge panels can generate energy even in the rain.
Wind power is created when wind is used to generate mechanical power or electricity. Most wind turbines convert the wind’s kinetic energy into mechanical power. The wind turns the blades, which spin a shaft connected to a generator. Agenerator then converts this mechanical power into electricity. A group of wind turbines can produce electricity and feed it into the utility grid, where it is sent through transmission lines to homes and businesses. Like solar and geothermal energy, wind is a renewable resource that produces no emissions.
Small wind energy systems can be used by homes, farms, or communities. Such systems can be connected to the larger electrical grid or used for stand-alone energy generation—a particularly attractive option for anyone living far from power company lines. A grid-connected wind turbine can reduce one’s reliance onthe power company for electricity . If the turbine cannot deliver the needed energy, the power company then makes up the difference. However, in order to take advantage of wind energy, a turbine must be in an area with average wind speed of at least 10 miles an hour, and such systems can be very expensive.
Whether a given home or business uses wind, solar, or geothermal power depends on a variety of economic and environmental factors. However, expertsagree that investing in alternative energy now—whether by individuals or power companies—will pay dividends in the future.

 Complete the summary below. Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.

fossil fuels sustainable alternative energy

These days, people are interested in reducing their consumption of . They are looking at sources of  to supply their power needs. People want sources that are  do not cause pollution, and can be consistently depended on.

Choose the correct answer.

1. Which THREE of the following facts about geothermal energy are mentioned in the passage?
A. is used to run power plants
B. is used for cooling as well as heating buildings
C. costs a good deal of money to set up
D. is easiest to use where there is a plentiful supply of ground water
E. requires electricity to power the heat pump

2. Which THREE of the following facts about solar energy are mentioned in the passage?
A. is often used by farmers to power electric fences
B. the amount of power generated fluctuates with the amount of exposure to the sun
C. can be used even in areas without intense sunlight
D. the panels are usually installed on the roof of the house
E. does not have to be installed by a professional

3. Which FOUR of the following facts about wind energy are mentioned in the passage?
A. wind turbines create a lot of noise
B. A wind turbines are considered unsightly by many people
C. is as clean a source of energy as geothermal and solar systems
D. can be used in conjunction with electricity supplied by a power company
E. is used by individual home-owners as well as by power companies
F. the energy that it generates cannot be stored for later use
G. must be installed in an area that receives a certain amount of wind
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