University Entrance Exam --> Exercise --> Structure

Choose the sentence that is suitable or closest in meaning to each of the following questions:

1. We lived in that ............... on the corner.
A. old house brick small
B. house brick small old
C. brick small old house
D. small old brick house

2. "We′re having a reunion this weekend. Why don′t you come?" John said to us.
A. John simply asked us why we wouldn't come to a reunion.
B. John cordially invited us to a reunion this weekend.
C. John asked us why we didn't come to a reunion this weekend.
D. John didn't understand why we came to a reunion.

3. school-leavers/ choose/ college/ employment/ immediate
A. School-leavers can choose either college or immediate employment.
B. School-leavers can make a choice among college and employment immediately.
C. School-leavers can make an immediate choice of neither college nor employment.
D. School-leavers can choose either college and employment immediately.

4. Those boys took a long ladder ................
A. in order to get the ball from the roof
B. and then get the ball from the roof
C. so that the ball from the roof can be gotten
D. so they will get the ball from the roof

5. It rains so we can′t go to school.
A. If it rains, I can go to school
B. If it didn't rain, I could go to school.
C. If it not rain, I could go to school.
D. If it rains, I could go to school.

6. He took his seat quietly ................
A. in order for him not to disturb their conversation
B. so as not to disturb their conversation
C. in order not disturb their conversation
D. so as to disturb their conversation

7. ............... as taste is really a composite sense made up of both taste and smell.
A. That we refer to it
B. To which we refer
C. What do we refer to
D. What we refer to

8. If I had enough money, ................
A. I could buy that house
B. I can buy that house
C. I will buy that house
D. I am buy that house

9. The captain to his men: "Abandon the ship immediately!"
A. The captain suggested his men abandon the ship immediately.
B. The captain requested his men to abandon the ship immediately.
C. The captain invited his men to abandon the ship immediately.
D. The captain ordered his men to abandon the ship immediately.

10. The man ............... last night is my brother′s friend.
A. whom you talked to him
B. to him you talked
C. who you talked to
D. you talked to him
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