Grade 10 Entrance Exam --> Exercise --> Rewrite

Rewrite each sentence so that the meaning stays the same:
had he shut the door than he realised that he had left the key inside

1. As soon as he shut the door, he realised that he had left the key inside.
No sooner

She stands a good chance of being elected

2. She will probably be elected. (…stands…)

account of the fact that his mother was being there, they said nothing about it/account of his mother's presence, they said nothing about it

3. Now that his mother was being there, they said nothing about it.

from Mary, every student was present in class

4. Mary was the only student absent from class.

two of which have air conditioning

5. Only two out of the five rooms we have booked have air conditioning.
We have booked five rooms, only

is it the cheapest watch but it is also the nicest

6. It′s the cheapest watch but it′s the nicest.
Not only

I was very sleepy, I still wanted to watch the football match on TV

7. I was very sleep but I still wanted to watch the football match on TV.

aunt not died and left him her legacy of USD 10.000, he would not have been able to buy the house he wanted

8. Thanks to his aunt′s legacy of USD 10.000, he was able to buy the house he wanted.
Had his

made all of them laugh

9. All of them laughed when I told the joke.
The joke

They are putting pressure on me to make a decision soon

10. They′re telling me that I must make a decision soon. (…pressure…)

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