Skill building --> Intermediate --> Test yourself

Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. Can you see the boy riding a ............... ? Yes, I can.
A. chicken
B. water buffalo
C. cat
D. duck

2. I ............... a vegetarian for several years and I feel very healthy.
A. have been
B. was
C. am
D. were

3. Computers ............... part of our daily lives.
A. have become
B. is becoming
C. became
D. are become

4. Many children in the USA ............... wear uniforms when they go to school.
A. must to
B. won't
C. don't have to
D. can't

5. Information technology is very useful to our lives. It allows users to ............... in which participants can see each other on a screen.
A. held long distance meetings
B. holding long distance meetings
C. to hold distance meetings
D. hold long distance meetings
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