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Vocabulary --> Restaurants and Events --> Selecting a Restaurant --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used.


[W] Did you get any good suggestions for a restaurant for this weekend?

[M] The majority of people in my office enjoyed the new seafood restaurant.

[W] Weil, we can always rely on the opinion of the masses.


[W] The woman who writes the weekly restaurant reviews for the newspaper has published a guide to local restaurants.

[M] That won't be too helpful. I don't think the same food appeals to her as appeals to me.

[W] I know what you mean. There is a lot of subjectivity in reviewing restaurants.


[M] I'm tired of the same kind of food all the time. Let's go somewhere with a really daring menu.

[W] I like familiar foods and I'm not as willing as you are to try new dishes.

[M] We'll go somewhere with a mix of old favorites and exciting specials.


[M] What time do you think we'll arrive at the restaurant?

[W] I'd like to say by 6 P.M., but I know that's early for you. Can we compromise and say by 7 P.M.?

[M] Sounds good. I'll go ahead and secure a reservation for 7 P.M.

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