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Vocabulary --> Financing and Budgeting --> Taxes --> Word to learn

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

owe penalized calculated joint withhold filed deadline spouse refund prepares gave up fill out


1. Every year, my wife gathers all of our pay stubs and expense reports and   to fill out our tax forms.
She tries to finish them in March, well before the April 15th  . It′s a time-consuming process. There are receipts to find, records to organize, and forms to  . When we first got married, we   separate returns. But now she marks me as her   and files the   return. It saves us money and saves me time!
My wife is very proud of her accuracy. The government has never sent the forms back with corrections. For several years now, we have received a  . But this year, she   the numbers over and over again and found we had not paid enough taxes throughout the year. She didn′t want to   any money.
Finally, she   and sent in our check. Actually, it was my fault. I had changed jobs and didn′t ask my employer to   enough money from my paychecks. I′m just glad we found and corrected the mistake before we got  .

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