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Vocabulary --> Financing and Budgeting --> Accounting --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used.

[M]  Have you seen our budget for next year?

[W] How do they expect us to stay on track and meet our goals with such a small budget?

[M] We'll have to come up with something to increase our assets, or else we'll be out of a job!

[Ml I'm going to see my client today. I'll be back at 4:30.

[W] Is this the client that you are trying to save from all of his debt?

[M] That's the one! How he accumulated so much debt in such a short period of time, I'll never understand.

[M] The auditor needs a list of all the outstanding accounts in order to reconcile the figures.

[W] Those accounts wouldn't be outstanding if we had had the personnel to follow up and collect the monies due.

[M] The turnover in that department is amazing; why don't workers stay longer?


[M] Accounting firms have undergone significant changes in the last decade.

[W] That's true, many have built up substantial consulting practices.

[M] Big salaries, big bonuses: they are more profitable than ever!

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