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Vocabulary --> General Business --> Marketing --> Word to learn

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

convince compared market consumers persuaded current attract satisfied competes inspire fad product


1. Yassir is getting ready to realize his dream: opening a business that sells plants on the Internet. After completing a business plan that helped him to determine that there was demand for his   in the  , Yassir is ready to start promoting his business. Having   the bank that there was a market, that there were consumers willing to buy flowers on the Internet, he needed to find these  .
Once he has an established base, Yassir, like other business owners will have to continually   new customers. At the same time, he must make sure current customers are  . In order to be satisfied,   customers must be happy with the product they receive. Yassir′s job is to   these customers to gain their repeat business. To do this, he will have to   consumers that he offers a good product at a good price, especially when   to the businesses with which he  . And, of course, he will have to compete with other businesses on the price he charges and service he offers. He hopes that Internet businesses are here to stay and not a  .

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