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Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 6: Text Completion

Select skill:

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the blanks:

Questions below refer to the following advertisement.

Do you know that, last year alone, over 20 million cell phone users in this country decided to switch to newer models?
And what did they do with their old ones, you may ask? Well nothing - and that means that (1)............... phones have now been added to the growing mountain of disused telephones which is currently estimated at something like 66 million. So, if you are planning on changing yours sometime soon, then (2)............... of simply discarding it, make a gesture for the environment.
Enclosed with this issue of your monthly magazine, you will find a postage-paid envelope that you can use
to send your old phone to us. For each phone that our readers send in, we will receive a donation of £2.50
from RecyclePhone, (3)............... is currently the world's leading mobile phone recycling company.
This money will be used to help us to finance our 'Be Green Aware' campaign, which we will be launching nationwide in July.
Don't miss this opportunity to make your contribution to intelligent recycling.

A. as many as
B. even more
C. much more
D. more than

A. because
B. instead
C. as a result
D. in spite

A. which
B. what
C. whose
D. that
Total: 13 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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