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Lesson --> Advanced --> Part 4: Talk

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Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

We′d like to extend a warm hello this evening to you, our colleagues from the Singapore branch of the corporation. Tomorrow, you are going to have a busy day. You′ll have a chance to tour our plant, meet with the executive board, and discuss technical matters with members of our engineering team. The day after tomorrow, we have chartered a boat to show you what the city′s famous skyline looks like from the harbor. I promise you the view from out there is incredible. Tonight, though, we just want you to relax, have something to eat and drink, and get to know us.

1. What will they be doing two days from now?
A. Sightseeing in the city
B. Taking a charter bus tour
C. Sailing in the ocean
D. Riding on a the famous sky train
2. What is the speaker′s purpose?
A. To welcome some visitors
B. To introduce new members of the board
C. To propose changes in a schedule
D. To discuss some technical matters
3. What is the occasion of this talk?
A. An informal social gathering
B. A tour of the facilities
C. A conference in Singapore
D. A meeting of the executive board
Total: 133 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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