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Lesson --> Introductory --> Part 6: Text Completion

Select skill:

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the blanks:

Questions below refer to the following conference information.

Thanks again for your (1)............... in the upcoming "Say Yes" motivational seminar and concert.
We are looking forward to getting your seminar fee as soon as possible. The (2)............... schedule has been attached to this message, but we will send a final copy once all of the events have been decided.
If you didn't read in our information packet already, only beverages (3)............... by the seminar fee.

A. attention
B. expertise
C. interest
D. effort

A. habitual
B. tentative
C. conclusive
D. timely

A. are covered
B. is covering
C. had been covered
D. will cover
Total: 134 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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