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Lesson --> Introductory --> Part 6: Text Completion

Select skill:

Choose the word or phrase that best completes the blanks:

Questions below refer to the following letter.

Dear Barnaby,
I have just returned from my visit to the Taiwan office and I must say I am impressed with the local marketing team. They are all very motivated and (1)............... about the new line of evening wear from our Paris collection.
One issue did arise regarding the details of sales plan. I think we may want to move more (2)............... on the introduction than we had originally planned.
We have information that our largest competitor has also gone with a darker and more conservative pattern this year. I am worried that this will make both product lines seem very (3)................
We know they generally debut their line in May. As our image is based upon setting trends and being unique, I think we should push our release date up to March. Please consider this option and let's discuss it more fully when we meet on Monday.

A. enthusiastic
B. enthusiast
C. enthusiasm
D. enthusiastically

A. quickness
B. quick
C. quicker
D. quickly

A. expensive
B. similar
C. innovative
D. modern
Total: 134 page(s)
Score: 0/10
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