In the early part of the twentieth century, the Norwegian scientist and polar explorer Fridtjof Nansen noted that icebergs did not follow the path of the wind as common sense had assumed. Instead they tended to move to the right side of the direction in which the wind blew. A student of Nansen's, V. W. Ekman, showed that the rotation of the Earth leading to an inertial force known as the Coriolis force was responsible for this phenomenon. He further demonstrated that in the Northern Hemisphere the deflection was toward the right of the prevailing wind, and in the Southern Hemisphere the deflection was toward the left. The icebergs observed by Nansen were moved by ocean currents that also moved at an angle to the prevailing wind.
The Coriolis force itself is caused by the fact that the Earth rotates on its axis once per day, and hence all points on the planet have the same rotational velocity; that is, they take one whole day to complete a rotational circle. However, since a complete rotation around the Earth is shorter the further one is away from the equator, different points on the Earth travel at different speeds depending on degree of latitude. For example, a point on the equator travels the whole distance around the sphere (about 40,000 kilometers), whereas a point near the poles will travel a much shorter distance. Therefore, we can say that the linear speed of a point depends on its latitude above or below the equator. Thus the actual linear speed of a point on the surface is faster the nearer that point is to the equator.
Now if an untethered object (or current) is moving northward away from the equator in the Northern Hemisphere, it will also maintain the initial speed imparted to it by the eastward rotation of the Earth. That eastward deflection is faster at the equator than at more northerly (or southerly) latitudes, and thus, when the object reaches a more northerly point, it will be traveling faster in an eastward direction than the surrounding ground or water. The moving object will appear to be forced away from its path by some mysterious phenomenon. In reality the ground is simply moving at a different speed from the original speed at the object's (or current’s) home position. The resulting direction of movement will therefore be at an angle of about 45 degrees to the original direction, so an object traveling north will move to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere with respect to the rotating Earth. An object traveling south will be deflected to the left in the Northern Hemisphere and to the right in the Southern Hemisphere.
As the surface water in the ocean is moved by the wind, it tends to veer* off at an angle of 45 degrees to the right or left. This movement exerts a drag on the water immediately below it, and the Coriolis force causes this layer to move and also to deflect to the right or left. This layer in turn drags the layer below, which in turn is deflected. At successively deeper layers, the water is deflected in relation to the layer above until at a depth of around 150 meters, the water is moving in a direction opposite to the surface water. At successively greater depths, the frictional forces between layers reduce the energy of the flow, causing water to move more slowly the deeper the layer. The resulting deflections produce a spiral pattern known as the Ekman spiral. The net movement of water is roughly at 90 degrees from the wind direction and is known as Ekman transport.
This phenomenon is an important factor in the movement of water in the oceans. Among other things, it creates zones of upwelling by forcing surface waters apart and other zones of downwelling by forcing surface waters together. For example, wind blowing parallel to the shore may create a net movement of water at 90 degrees away from the shore. Nutrient-rich deeper ocean water will upwell to take the place of the displaced water and thus profoundly influence the marine ecosystem.
- veer: to suddenly change direction