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High School Grad Exam --> Exercise --> Vocabulary & Grammar

Choose the best answer for the following sentences:

1. The more you study, ................
A. the more knowledge you gain
B. you will gain more knowledge
C. the more knowledge do you gain
D. you are the more knowledgeable

2. ............... is considered one of the most complete form of exercise, it is the basic part of many other aquatic sports.
A. Swimming
B. Snorkeling
C. Scuba diving
D. Water polo

3. David signed the papers, ............... he could work at the construction company.
A. so as that
B. so that
C. such that
D. in order to

4. Many people ............... homeless after the earthquake in Haiti a few months ago.
A. are becoming
B. will become
C. become
D. became

5. It was so noisy that I couldn′t concentrate ............... my lesson.
A. on
B. from
C. in
D. at

6. The weather was terrible. I wish it ............... warmer.
A. were
B. had been
C. was
D. has been

7. The recycling of waste paper ............... save a great amount of wood pulp.
A. need
B. can
C. dare
D. had better

8. Jack insisted that he didn′t need any help, ............... I helped him anyway.
A. so
B. besides
C. however
D. but

9. I have been looking ............... this book for months, and at last, I have found it.
A. over
B. at
C. up
D. for

10. Women are usually more ............... than men.
A. sympathy
B. sympathetic
C. sympathetically
D. sympathize
Score: 0/10
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