Vocabulary --> Personnel --> Promotions and Awards --> Word to learn

Read the following conversations and see how the new words are used,

[M]   I'm looking forward to the awards ceremony tonight.

[W]   So am I. I hope Darrell finally gets some recognition for all the work that he has done.

[M]   He certainly has been very productive in the last few months.


[M]   Sometimes your assistant doesn't feel as though you value her work.

[W]   I judge work by merit, not by the quantity of paper produced.

[M]   But it's obvious that she's just trying to please you.


[M]   Who will they promote next?

[W]   That new manager has a lot of dedication and ambition.

[M]   No, they won't promote him. He hasn't been with the company long enough and hasn't contributed enough.


[M]   Have you achieved the goals you set for yourself last year?

[W]   I was looking to you to help me prioritize my goals.

[M]   I may be a loyal friend, but I can't help you do everything!


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