Vocabulary --> Office Issues --> Electronics --> Word to learn

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

popular storage sharply software replace networks revolutionized processing facilitated disks technical skills


1. Almost all businesses today, no matter what their size, rely on computers for many of their needs. Prices of computers have declined   over the years, resulting in their increased use in the office. Most offices now have   of computers, which are all electronically linked together. This   sharing and processing of data. Indeed, data   would not be possible without the technical wizardry of hardware manufacturers.
Data storage   are a technological miracle. Because of   advancements, you never need to worry about where to store or back up your data. The   capacity of a small disk is incredible. Manufacturers of   provide frequent upgrades.
Unfortunately, these upgrades are often not compatible with earlier versions or other software. This means that you may have to find   for your favorite programs.
Administrators today are trained in the most   software programs. Highly skilled computer programmers and engineers are also very much in demand, especially when a computer or network malfunctions and causes problems.
Computers have   the workplace, and everyone, no matter how accomplished he or she is in other  , needs to know how to use a computer for basic tasks, such as using electronic mail, searching the internet for information, and writing a letter.

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