Vocabulary --> Health --> Pharmacy --> Word to learn

Fill in each gap with a suitable word or phrase:

monitor control interactions potential factors volunteers samples limit sense detection consulting convenient


1. Yoko is having trouble with seasonal allergies this fall. After   with her doctor, they decide she should take medication on a regular basis to   her symptoms. Her doctor recommends the medication he thinks will work best and offers her a handful of   at no charge. For her long-term needs, Yoko will need to have a prescription filled. Her doctor   to call the pharmacy Yoko uses to order a supply, which will   the time she spends waiting for the prescription to be filled.
Yoko is new in town and does not know which pharmacy she wants to use. She knows that there is a drugstore near her apartment and one near where she works, but does not remember the operating hours for either. Yoko knows that   hours and location are important   in selecting a pharmacy. Although she can fill different prescriptions at different drugstores, it makes more   to Yoko to fill all of her medications at one location.
Occasionally, some drugs will have harmful  . Usually, your doctor will prevent a drug interaction problem before it starts. But, if you see more than one doctor, it is hard to   the various medications you are taking. Having all your prescriptions filled at one location increases the chances that the pharmacist will detect a   drug interaction problem. This timely   can save your life.

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