Vocabulary --> Restaurants and Events --> Cooking as a Career --> Word to practice

Listen to the dialogue. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

W There′s been a large influx of new chefs recently. And they′re all demanding high salaries.
M Good chefs manage to draw customers into restaurants, so they′re worth the salaries they′re paid.
W Yes, the good ones are. For a skilled, professional chef, cooking can be quite a profitable career.
M I suppose you′re right, though I can′t see becoming a chef myself. I have no interest in practicing the culinary arts. But I do enjoy the results of a good chef′s work. Let′s plan to eat out more often.

1. According to the conversation, what do good chefs do?
A. Demand a lot from their assistants.
B. Manage their restaurants well.
C. Attract customers.
D. Influence new chefs.
2. What does the man plan to do?
A. Become a chef.
B. Eat at restaurants more often.
C. Practice cooking.
D. Take more rests.
3. What does the woman think of cooking as a career?
A. It's very demanding.
B. It's hard to manage.
C. It pays well.
D. It's not worth the effort.
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