To: All office staff
P. Windermere, Office Manager
Re: Parking situation
As you may be aware, starting next week, the parking garage will be closed for repairs to the
upper level due to damage caused by
the heavy rains last month.
There will be no parking allowed on any level of the garage while the repairs are- taking place,
as parked cars may hamper the work. Cars parked in the garage will be towed at the owner's expense. While
the garage is closed, you may opt to
park on the street or in the lot adjacent to the building. Remember that it is
a private lot and a fee will be charged. I realize that the parking options
will be limited, and I am open to any
suggestions for solutions to this parking situation that any of you may have.
Unfortunately, the repair work will take more than a few weeks. We cannot
expect the garage to open again until two months from now. In the meantime, I thank you for
your cooperation.