Vocabulary --> Personnel --> Hiring and Training --> Word to practice

Read the passages and choose the correct answer:

To:       All new hires

From: Edwin Mallory, Human Resources Director

Re:      Training session

All new hires are required to attend a training session which will take place on Friday, October 12 from 9:30 A.M. until 3:30 EM. The session will be conducted in Meeting Room 3, and lunch will be provided. During the session you will get an overview of company poli­cies and procedures. You will also be updated on changes in the benefits package and learn about pro­fessional development opportunities you will be required to participate in so that you can keep up with changes in your field. Attendance at this training is mandatory for everyone hired since June of this year. There will be no excuses.


To:           Edwin Mallory

From:     Amelia Foote

Subject:   Training session

 Dear Mr. Mallory,

I just learned from your memo that I will be required to attend the training session on October 12. Unfortunately, I had already planned to be out of the office that week attending my niece's wedding. My supervisor has given me permission to take that time off, and I have already purchased my plane tickets. I didn't know about the date of the training session when I set up these plans, and it will be very difficult to change them now. My mentor suggested that I ask you for permission to miss this training session. I am willing to attend the next session instead. I hope you don't reject  this offer. It is very important to me to be able to attend this family event.  Thank you.

 Amelia Foote

1. How long will the training session last?
A. Six hours.
B. Nine hours.
C. Twelve hours.
D. Three hours.

2. Who must attend the training session?
A. Mentors and supervisors.
B. All new hires.
C. All company employees.
D. Only members of the Human Resources Department.

3. Why doesn′t Amelia Foote want to attend the training session?
A. She doesn't have permission from her supervisor.
B. She has an important family event.
C. She believes the next session will be better.
D. She thinks it won't be useful.

4. The word “conducted” in the memo is closest in meaning to ................
A. announced
B. learned
C. informed
D. held

5. The word “reject “ in the e-mail is closest in meaning to ................
A. accept
B. say no
C. agree to
D. consider
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