Vocabulary --> Health --> Dentist's Office --> Word to practice

Listen to the talk. Then read each question and choose the best answer:

Would you like to illuminate the room with your smile? It can be done. Most people aren′t aware of how easy and inexpensive it is to restore the whiteness to your teeth. Our product can be used at home without the need to visit the dentist. Just apply the product to your teeth every night after your regular tooth brushing. It′s that simple. Maintain your usual cleaning habits, and after just a few days, your teeth will start to look whiter. Unlike similar products, ours is guaranteed not to irritate sensitive gums. Why wait? Visit our web site at www.whiterteeth.com and order your supply today. You′ll see why our company has the highest sales of all dental product companies in the nation.

1. What product is advertised?
A. Chewing gum.
B. A tooth whitener.
C. A toothbrush.
D. False teeth.
2. Where can the product be bought?
A. At the dentist's office.
B. From a sales representative.
C. At a store.
D. Online.
3. What are the customers asked to do?
A. Visit the dentist.
B. Use the product for just two days.
C. Use the product every night.
D. Change their cleaning habits.
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